Computer with "How much does a website cost?" on the screen

Asking a web developer how much they charge for a website is like asking a dentist how much they charge for dentistry. It all depends on the complexity of the site you want – the number of pages, images, content, functionality – each website is different. However, there are four main cost factors when you decide to get a website built for your business: Domain Registration, Web Hosting, Web Development, and Site Maintenance. Here are the average costs for each.

Domain Name

Your domain name is the web address people will type into the browser to get to your website. Domain registration on average costs between $10-$20 per year, and is often offered at the same place you will get your web hosting plan (see #2). But don’t forget to put your domain registration on auto-renew! People are waiting for you to forget about it and will snipe your name if you don’t renew it. In addition, most registrars offer an add-on of Privacy Protection for your domain name, which an additional $5-$10/year. Privacy Protection will obfuscate your name if someone tries to look up who owns the domain name. Otherwise it will be public.

Web Hosting

Your web host is a company that will host your physical website files on their servers and can also provide you with email services. This can – but doesn’t have to be – the same place you registered your domain name. Web hosting is usually discounted greatly the first year to get you on board, anywhere between $2 and $20/per month (less if you pay yearly). But the price will then go up to normal rates when your plan renews. Now, some web developers and agencies offer web hosting as part of their package but in my opinion, I don’t believe it’s in your best interest to have your web developer host your website. Here’s my article on why.

Web Design & Development

Website Development is going to be your biggest out of pocket expense. As I said, the cost is dependent on the complexity and functionality of your website. In a survey from of over 1000 web developers with an average of 11 years experience, the average website development project was quoted to cost between $2,500-$5000. It could be much higher, depending on your project and what you want the website to do.

Average Website Project Price table with 34.37% being in between 00-00.

Website Care & Maintenance

A website is a living, breathing entity, and like your teeth and car and home, it needs ongoing maintenance and support. Most web agencies offer a monthly care plan that covers ongoing updates, SEO, security checks, software upgrades & site monitoring. When a client is on my care plan, we become partners and I make sure the website is at its peak to support their business goals. Moss Web Works care plans start at $130/month and go up from there depending on the complexity of the site (eCommerce, Membership Systems, etc). We do give bundle deals for business owners with multiple sites.

This all might seem a lot, but your website is the MOST IMPORTANT piece of marketing for your business. It’s a billboard, and the first impression that your customers and clients will have of you. This is one business expense with which you don’t want to cut corners…even (and especially) if your neighbor’s cousin’s kid will do it for a couple hundred bucks! Remember, you get what you pay for.

If you have any questions about what goes into planning and creating a website, or its cost, please don’t hesitate to contact me.