Website Builders - Pros & Cons

All articles written by a human.

Many people ask me: “Why do I need to hire a web developer? Can’t I just use one of those website builders like WIX or Squarespace?” Sure, of course you can. But don’t be fooled by their ads that portray building a website in “three easy steps.” Just upload some pictures, write some content and POOF! You have a fully-functional professional site. Well, nothing is really that easy.

1. You must already have tech skills.
If you’re born after 1993, you might have a chance. Even with these auto-builders, you still need to know how to resize and optimize images, open and link to your social accounts, write marketing copy, among other things. You need to know the difference between domain registration, hosting, and email accounts. Many times people who are not tech-savvy get caught in the interface, confused with the language and details and give up, frustrated.

2. Will you get personalized support?
Does the mega-company that owns this web builder understand your business? Does it understand your target market or local community? If you contact their support, the reps will only have expertise about the site itself and how to solve technical problems. They won’t see your business and brand as a whole. When you work with a web agency like Moss Web Works, we don’t just build a pretty site. We build your website to achieve your overall business goals as they pertain to your customers.

3. You’ll be charged an ongoing fee.
Website builders charge an ongoing fee for hosting your website, often much higher than a standard WordPress host. They’ll then upcharge you for email addresses, domain registration, and other features you want to add to your site. The fee is usually 5-10x more than if you used a hosting service like A2Hosting. Beware of built-in, recurring charges!

4. Limited design options.
When you work with a web developer, we can customize your site to exactly how you want it. You won’t receive a templated design used by hundreds of other sites. We can also design your logo, business cards, and other materials to make sure you have a unique & unified brand, look, and feel. With website builders you have little to no control over the elements on your page, as you are tied to their templating system.

5. WordPress is King
Right now, WordPress hosts a majority of content sites across the internet. It’s open source, meaning many developers have and can create software that “plugs in” to WordPress to give it infinite capabilities. WordPress allows our clients the freedom to update their own content (text and pictures), add pages, and create their own blogs and calendars. The BBC, MTV, Variety, and The New Yorker Magazine websites are all built on WordPress. If you want a hybrid solution and are willing to try your own hand at WordPress, use their limited website builder at

Having your site on WordPress will be beneficial if you ever need to hire a web developer or switch web developers because it’s the most ubiquitous platform on the market. You will find someone who can help you for what you want to do.

While website builders offer convenience and simplicity, the decision to hire a skilled web developer for crafting a custom site proves to be a strategic investment in the long run. The unique vision, tailored functionality, and optimized performance that a professional developer brings to the table can set your website apart, ensuring a seamless user experience and enhanced brand identity.