How to Import/Export WordPress Galleries

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You may be moving a site from one host to another or recreating it on another platform. So how do you export all the files if you have multiple galleries? How do you keep the photos separated by gallery? Well my client had 5 galleries with over 100 photos each. I looked all over the web on how to do this easily, but couldn’t find anyone who could give me a step-by-step guide. So I created one!

1. Go to the original site and VIEW the gallery in full form.

2. Right click and SAVE PAGE AS. Choose ALL or WEB PAGE, COMPLETE. This creates an HTML file and a folder of attachments on your local computer.

3. Open the folder of attachments and delete any file that’s not an image in the gallery. An easy way to do this is to sort by file type.

4. On your new site, edit the page that will host the Gallery. Click ADD MEDIA, and UPLOAD the files from that Folder.

5. Click CREATE GALLERY and insert the gallery to the page. Update the page and DONE!

How frickin’ easy is that? No plugin needed.