Woman at laptop computer reviewing site on mobileSecond Pair of Eyes

“Second Pair of Eyes” is an incredibly valuable service for solo web developers and small agencies! Sometimes it takes someone other than the primary web developer to find little things that you might have been missed in the development process. Let Moss Web Works review your site before you present it to the client, so you can make sure you’re presenting the best work possible.

We’ll review and make recommendations on:

  • Overall design, UX, & aesthetics
  • Plugin Stack
  • SEO
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • 3-Browser Testing (Safari, Firefox, Chrome)
  • Copy Editing (Spelling, Grammar)
  • Speed & Caching

Jennifer Moss has over 25 years’ experience in PHP development and has been working in WordPress for 20 years. She’s also a published author in both fiction and non-fiction. Let our expertise make your development a success. pssst: build our fee into your rates!

WordPress Troubleshooting

Have an issue that you can absolutely NOT FIGURE OUT? Moss Web Works specializes in troubleshooting WordPress, and we’ve been doing it for over ten years. If we can’t figure it out, you won’t be charged. Inquire for pricing.


Moss Web Works can create custom plugins or modify plugins for your needs. We currently have several popular plugins in the WP repository:

MWW Disclaimer Buttons – the FTC requires that bloggers and influencers who are being compensated for posts must disclose this at the top of every post. MWW Disclaimer Buttons lets you check a box within the post editor and it will automatically generate a linked button that claims that the post contains affiliate links, is sponsored monitarily, or the blogger was gifted a PR sample. A very simple way to CYA and do things the right way!

Scheduled Post Trigger – some hosts have had issues with their cron and it misses scheduled posts. This lightweight plugin checks to see if any scheduled posts were missed and publishes them. Simple as that.